игровой портал игры sgames

Act of War:

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коды (англ.) к игре Act of War:

Игра Act of War:
Act of War:
High Treason

Press [Enter] during game play in single player mode. Then, enter one of the
following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

fortknox - Additional $1,000
keyholemaster - Full map
yeepeekaye - Launch a super weapon (nuclear bomb) at the pointer
ineedalltechnos - Unlimited money and entire tech tree unlocked
motherrussia - Spawn Russian T-80 tank
coolihaveanewcar - Spawn CIA Armored SUV
swatatyourorders - Spawn S.W.A.T. member
greenjelly - Spawn British cop
blackhawkdown - Spawn SA12 Anti-Aircraft Missile Launcher
duckhunt - Spawn Duck
ymca - Spawn U.S. police officer
coolimthepresident - Spawn President of The United States of America
bringoutthedead - Spawn British Ambulance
bigbrother - Camera mode


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